Akvarellmålat sömlöst mönster som inspirerats av svensk sommar med blommor som b.la. vallmo och lavendel. Får tryckas med formgivarens namn.
8 000kr
Size: 64X64cm
Adobe Photoshop
Layers: Only for digital print
Emma Carlsson, founder of Cheam design studio, is a fashion and pattern designer with an education from the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås and the Nordic Textile Academy. Her passion lies in pattern design, where she sees the act of putting patterns on various surfaces as akin to bringing them to life. By infusing objects with patterns, whether it's textiles, paper, or other materials, Emma believes she can imbue them with expression and effectively communicate with the user. For her, every surface that can be adorned with patterns represents an opportunity to weave a narrative. Cheam_designstudio https://cheam.se/grafisk-design/