Do you want to be part of creating the best digital platform for Scandinavian pattern design? Apply to join us today!

As a affiliated designer, you commit to being represented on the platform for 5 years and that you assign the copyright to your designs for a limited time upon sale. Your designer profile on the platform must contain at least 15 original designs that are unique to the platform. In our designer back-office, you can upload patterns, see sales information and pitch on assignments from Pattern Pitch.

Please note that you need a registered company to join us.

We offer you a full-service platform with the goal of digitizing and simplifying the purchasing process for Scandinavian pattern design. International launch is planned for 2024 and we are always working on new services. For this, The Pattern Agency has a fee of 20% before VAT on all sales made on the platform.

Historically we have worked with both large companies and smaller niche design companies. We are exited to see what the future holds!

If you want to join us on this journey, keep reading.

A colorful wall with a neon sign saying "This must be the place"


Fill out the form if you are interested in joining or to know more. Attach a portfolio (PDF) with examples of your work, both placement prints and reported patterns and any other assignments you have had. Submitting a form is not binding nor do we share portfolios.

We assess each portfolio according to how the expression complements the existing catalog and whether we have a suitable customer base. We will get back to you within two weeks.

International designer? We specialise in pattern & print design by Scandinavian designers so unfortunately we do not accept applications from designers outside of Scandinavia yet. But you never know, things might change in the future!

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